Download Crushin' I Got A Thang For Thug Love edition by Manda P RMichelle Write Guidance Editing Literature Fiction eBooks

From the moment Milan and Trent first met, she knew it was love at first sight, but everything was wrong about feeling this way for this man. Trent is her best friend’s husband. For years, she fought the attraction until one day, a chance encounter lands the two alone.
The strong feelings she’s been fighting away, has come to light, which had Milan paralyzed with love… or was it lust? What should’ve been a “hi and bye” situation, turned Trent and Milan’s worlds completely upside down. This opened a Pandora’s box, neither of them was prepared for.
As time went on, Trent’s right-hand-man, Loften enters the picture. Although he had a lot going on in his personal life, his eyes were set on the beautiful, Milan Love. Even with knowing that Trent wanted the beautiful Milan, he knew it would never happen as long as his boy was married to Sasha, and he would never act on his desires. So, Loften threw caution to the wind and stepped to Milan. A step that placed him in a world of trouble from his situation, as well as Milan’s conflicting heart.
Will this budding relationship between Milan and Loften cause trouble in paradise for Sasha and Trent? Will this secret crush put a wedge in between two friendships? Both Sasha and Milan have a thang for that thug love, but will it be worth it in the end?
Download Crushin' I Got A Thang For Thug Love edition by Manda P RMichelle Write Guidance Editing Literature Fiction eBooks
"Great read but it is a to be continued ending. I hope we don’t have to wait long for the next installment. These so called friends are a hot mess. What a love triangle"
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Tags : Crushin' I Got A Thang For Thug Love - edition by Manda P., R.Michelle, Write Guidance Editing . Download it once and read it on your device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Crushin' I Got A Thang For Thug Love.,ebook,Manda P. , R.Michelle , Write Guidance Editing ,Crushin' I Got A Thang For Thug Love,Urban Chapters Publications,Fiction / African American / Contemporary Women,Fiction / Urban
Crushin' I Got A Thang For Thug Love edition by Manda P RMichelle Write Guidance Editing Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews :
Crushin' I Got A Thang For Thug Love edition by Manda P RMichelle Write Guidance Editing Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews
- Let me start by saying that my review is fueled by the lack of effort authors seem to have when creating these novels, novellas, and series. Reading this book in particular from the very first chapter I could tell this book was going to be very predictable just from how the author writing skill was set up. The author practically gave away the parts that should have left us wondering. The fake friendships had me confused because in one sentence Trent would praise LT in the next bash him and vice versus than they both claimed to be down for each other no matter what but always had negative thoughts about each other. There was a part in the book when Trent wife Sasha called his Bestfriend begging him not to date Milan yet Trent didn’t think twice about her reasoning for calling 🤔... like they don’t like each other why would she be calling him instead of calling and begging her own Bestfriend? 🤔... I was tempted to stop reading a few times but decided to continue just so my review could be honest and I be damned if it didn’t get worse. Milan ran into Sasha sister and saw the baby which with one look she knew who fathered the child as well as knew the baby belonged to Sasha which the author makes it known yet she acted Like she was completely caught off guard when it was all revealed at the end. I could say so much more but I’m pissed all over again writing this review and I waited a few days just to write it... The nerve to continue this with more predictable drama like Trent and Milan falling in love and LT and Sasha realizing their exes are where they want to be all while continuing with whatever “plans†LT kept mentioning. Quite frankly this was a terrible read and a true AVID reader would not five star this especially when Manda P isn’t a rookie writer this is definitely a no for me... Happy Reading people!!!
- I quickly got wrapped up in this book and boy I can't wait to see what all the secrets that are yet to be revealed with this series. Hopefully, it's not too long with the next installment! I do not like Trent and I honestly think it was he who shot LT too. I need to know why Sasha lied on her father though!!!!
- Great read but it is a to be continued ending. I hope we don’t have to wait long for the next installment. These so called friends are a hot mess. What a love triangle
- I was not disappointed.... This was my first time reading anything from this author and it won’t be my last... Everybody was sneaking and doing their thing, but Trent is bae..... I can’t wait for part 2