Download The Warship Mary Rose The Life Times of King Henry VIII Flagship David Childs 9781848322110 Books

By Liliana Mullins on Monday, 13 May 2019

Download The Warship Mary Rose The Life Times of King Henry VIII Flagship David Childs 9781848322110 Books

Product details

  • Paperback 240 pages
  • Publisher Seaforth Publishing (July 19, 2014)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1848322119

The Warship Mary Rose The Life Times of King Henry VIII Flagship David Childs 9781848322110 Books Reviews

  • Author David Childs obviously made good use of his time as development director of the Mary Rose Trust. The salvage and eventual raising of this once-proud vessel in 1982 brought international attention to the true beginnings of the Royal Navy more than five centuries ago. Childs' knowledge and ability to weave this exciting piece of British naval history into a pleasantly digestible form was a surprising treat. For those wishing to delve beyond the traditional history of Lord Nelson and the romanticized stories of Horatio Hornblower and Jack Aubrey, this book is a must. Those real and imagined heroes of the nineteenth century can trace the origins of their stately, sail-borne warships back to the reign of King Henry VII and his famous son, King Henry VIII. To those unfamiliar with the Mary Rose of the 1500s, it is a true story of triumph and tragedy. However, Childs goes beyond simply telling a good story, helping educate a new generation about England and its neighbors in the sixteenth century. This a valuable addition to any naval library as well as a fun read.
  • Good book. It tells the whole history of the ship from when it was built to when it was lost, refound and raised and the efforts to get it into a fine museum.
  • Complete and very detailed history of the ship, from building her, to life on board, and the final lifting of her and the amazing artifacts. Absolutely fascinating.
  • A very interesting account of the ship and of life aboard. I would recommend this book.
  • This is an excellent book on the history of the ship and its role in the beginning of the British Royal Navy. I am not and have never been in the service, but I am very interested in military history and history in general.
  • I just found this book. It is full of the history of Henry V111, his huge interest in ships and the English Navy. Everything in the ship which was sunk right in front of Henry V111 was preserved. The pictures of these items, clothing, and naval instruments are fascinating. I wish I had found this book years ago.