PDF The Rabbit Who Lived Book Four of the Waldo Rabbit Series edition by Nelson Chereta Literature Fiction eBooks

By Liliana Mullins on Tuesday, 21 May 2019

PDF The Rabbit Who Lived Book Four of the Waldo Rabbit Series edition by Nelson Chereta Literature Fiction eBooks

Product details

  • File Size 667 KB
  • Print Length 227 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
  • Publication Date March 13, 2019
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

The Rabbit Who Lived Book Four of the Waldo Rabbit Series edition by Nelson Chereta Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews

  • I enjoyed the book. I breezed through the book in a couple of hours, and I was left feeling a bit disappointed at end because I was left wanting more. As always Nelson Chereta manages to blend dark and silly humor with gritty realism and political intrigue.

    For me the stars of this book were my girls Lilith and Melissa who stole the show, especially the former after she was ignored in the 3rd novel. Yet despite this, I didn't feel as if Waldo and his merry band were marginalized. Though I do hope Lilith will get her own spinoff someday.

    Anyhoo... keep up the good work.
  • Another good one from the author. This feels more like an intermediary book, but it has enough going on to keep you from boredom. Waldo and companions don’t mature or grow much as characters, but we see the background setup and tension grow by leaps and bounds. I’ve become almost as interested in what’s going on with Lilith as I am with Waldo.
    I can’t wait to read about what’ll happen next!
  • Another fine installment of Waldo but SHORT! Felt like the story ended right when it was about to really get started. Im assuming that there was so much about to happen that the story ended in the only realistic stopping point available before the avalanche of events to come.
  • Although the characters in this series have a certain degree of appeal, I am getting exceedingly tired of books that appear to be written only to get the protagonists from point A to point B. These bones need a lot more meat to get me to continue with this series.
  • It's more plotting in this one than the last one. I like it. Waldo is Waldo, you kinda get how he works now. Which I think is hilarious. Hope I don't have to wait too long for the next one.
  • Easily one of my new favorite series. The book itself was good very much along the lines of the previous ones, tucked up but funny. Also after the last book, creating a new religion that worships the great rabbit kookoocachoo, I firmly believe you can't too that. I hope to be proved wrong. Please. I nearly died laughing.
  • Chereta once again proves to be a master crafter of tales. One of the best new series of fiction. Read the Waldo the Rabbit tales you won't be disappointed.
  • Loved the humor and story telling from this author. The only complaint is i wish it was longer because it didn't feel like the characters accomplished much.